Year 9 Building Pathways
In addition to year long core English, Mathematics, Humanities, Science and Physical Education and Health, year 9 students will select six elective classes throughout the year from Languages, the Arts and Design and Technology Learning Areas. This program will help students build sound pathways towards their future studies and ensure they have a range of knowledge and skills which allows them flexibility in decision making in future educational and career decisions.
Year 10 Pathways for Transition
Year 10 students will study year long English and Mathematics. As well as a full year of Science, Humanities and Physical Education and Health where choice opens up their program. Students will complete a semester of core learning in each of these areas and are required to choose one elective from each of these areas in semester 2. Year 10 students will also select six elective classes throughout the year from Languages, the Arts and Design and Technology.
This program enables students to further develop their skills and knowledge in specific areas whilst ensuring they are building knowledge across all learning areas. The choices given to year 10 students allow for
increased ownership in learning and follows interests which leads to future pathways in readiness for transion to their next level of learning.